17 August 2013

Sorry for the MIA... will be back soon!

I know, I've not been blogging for a lonnnnggggg time. It's not that I don't want to, but I simply didn't have the energy nor mood to blog. I have tonnes of stuff to blog about, I didn't even bother to download photos from my camera, not to mention sorting and editing. WTF.

Well, I seem to be suffering from some extreme fatigue or is it just the current routine that's wreaking me apart? Working (6hrs a day excluding travelling time, and someone whom I loathe), chores (no helper, just a part-time helper 3hrs a week), cooking (dinner during weekdays, packed lunch for work on some days), the kiddo (you know, 3.5 year old active BOY), and baking (couple of orders, testing recipes etc). Overall feeling quite frustrated, moody and at times depressed.

But hopefully things will get better in September! Can't wait for the next 2 weeks to fly by. Lots to update!

Stay tuned!

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